Enfatismo  presented by Francesca Alinovi, group show, 1983, Bologna, Italy  (see JPG).

Group show of new Italiana artists, Brown Boveri Factory, 1984, Milano, Italy.

Dall'Olio all'Aereoplanino (from oil painting to toys) a group show of young Italian artists presented by Corrado Levi, 1984, Milano, Italy. (see JPG)

First international  group show Kunst mit Eigen Sinn at the Moderner Kunst  Museum des 20 in Wien, Austria, from March 29 to May12, 1985. (see JPG).

Protocols,  a group show at Studio Corrado Levi,  1986, Milano, Italy.

Along 7 Thursdays,  a solo show at Studio Corrado Levi, 1986, Milano, Italy.

Illustrations of an essay about the French poet, Paul Valery for the magazine, Progetto Cultura, Montedison, 1986 Milano, Italy (See JPG).

A poster for Carme ensamble, concert in Milano, 1987.

Logo for the project by Loredana Parmesani and Aldo Spoldi, Banca di Oklahoma, 1989, Crema, Italy.

Self portrait from the catalog  the7 Artists,  INFAS, Tokio, 1989

Opening of The Watteau Club, an art space in Milano with artists Ivo Bonacorsi and  Mizio Turchet, 1989, Milano, Italy.

Bandiere della Romania (Romanian Flags) at Intercity 2, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, group show presented by  Martina Corgnati, 1990, Venezia, Italy.

Iride, acrylics on canvas, polittico, cm 100 x 100 x 10, 1990 Milano, Italy. Private collection Rome.

1972 – It is the title of a series of paintings in black and white where I painted after a postmodern icon: photos by Minoru Yamasaki of the Pruitt-Igoe Housing imploding,  at St. Louis Missouri,  in 1972 .  Shows of this serie at Massimo Minini gallery, 1990, Brescia Italy and at Buades gallery, 1992, Madrid, Spain.

Cover and logo for il Signore dei Dischi, a LP by the rock band, the Skiantos, 1992, Bologna, Italy.

A painting for the humanitarian art show,  Artists for Jiflek ,  Palazzo Re Enzo, 1992, Bologna Italy.

Street Fight and One’s Case, two shorts produced at the New York Film Academy, 1993 – 1995 and premiered in Bologna , at Zoo gallery during a solo show presented by Fabiola Naldi. Street Fight has been at Bologna Sogna festival, presented by Alessandra Borgogelli and Silvia Grandi and projected at TMC. In Milano the same film was projected in 1997, during the presentation of Vittoria Chierici book, Aftermath at the club Molto, directed by artist Mizio Turchet. (see Vimeo link of the film Street Fight).

The book Aftermath was also presented by art historian Dario Trento, and philosopher Franco Farinelli at Cultura Italiana, 1997, Bologna, Italy. (See JPG 1, 2)

Vittoria Chierici Fabio Polvani and Toni Romanelli write Cartello 99, a manifesto presented at Studio Mascarella art gallery in Bologna and at Progetto Oreste (Oreste at Venice Biennale) a project by Cesare Pietroiusti for the Venice Biennale, 48th edition, 1999, Venice, Italy.

Three paintings of the series, La Madonna di Algeri,  with works by Paolo Fabiani and Fabio Polvani, in the show Digit - Painting, at the Academy of Fine Arts, 2000, Bologna, Italy.  La Madonna di Algeri will be also presented with a coneference at the Eremo di San Giorgio, Bardolino, Verona, Italy.

Group show presented by Corrado Levi at Libreria delle Donne – Circolo della Rosa, 2001, Milano, Italy. This large paintings has been displayed in three sections of cm 200 x 200, in 79 x 79, for each color, in three different locations, Circolo della Rosa - Women Library,  Ponterosso Restaurant, CADMI, all in Milano.

Jhon Hopkins University, auditorium: presenting the book by Adachiara Zevi, L'Arte USA del Novecento (1900 USA Art ), together with Paolo Fabbri, Giuliano Gresleri, Peter Weiermair.

"In 2003, I was invited by art critic Marco Meneguzzo, director of MAPP, Contemporary Art Museum Paolo Pini, Milano, Italy, to collaborate with Botteghe d’Arte and the production of  Il Trono di Ulisse. I shot and edited a video of the many meetings which brought to shape this unique workshop about Odyssey, among patients of the former hospital, Paolo Pini, 7th pavilion. Special thanks to all these incredible creative people and all the psychologists who helped me. A special thank to my assistant, artist and illustrator Costanza Prinetti who followed me in this adventure. (see Vimeo).

Church at Sea, a  DVD for the Lutheran Church, Seafarers & International House, 2007, New York.

Italian Works on Paper, part 1, Macv Art Gallery, Columbia University, presented by Filippo Fossati and Maurizio Pellegrin, 2009, New York.

Nuovi Indirizzi (New Addresses) a group show organized by the association Soqquadro, 2010, Bologna, Italy.

A T shirt about the Battle of Anghiari at the group show, Di filo in Filo, Tufano Studio 25, art gallery, 2010 Milano, Italy.

For the cultural event, Torino Spiritualita', Thou Shall not Kill, a piece in digital format, has been reproduced for the group show, 10 Commandments, presented by Caterina Fossati, at  Cavallerizza Reale, 2010, Turin, Italy.

A very nice view of Vittoria Chierici painting, Untitled,1990, a polittico of 6 pieces now in the art collection of the Italian Union, CGIL, 2012, Rome. (See Link)

Virtual Journey through the Italiana Art Labyrinth, a series of lectures at the Scuola Italiana del Greenwich, as a start for a new ongoing project, Viaggio in Italia,  Bologna - New York, 2012. (See LINK).
On September 2015, Vittoria Chierici attended two short courses at The Rusking School of Art, Oxford University, UK:  Art & Anatomy taught by the superb Artist and Drawing Artist, Dr. Sarah Simblet, and Head and Neck ( Portraiture) Anatomy,  taught by an extraordinary Eleanor Crook, Sculptor and Medical Artist.

Une rose seule,  c'est tout les roses ... is a journey through Rainer Maria Rilke's last book of short poems, Les Roses, written in French in 1924.

A reading of  these poems will be performed by Katja Noppes, in the magic garden of via Palestro 8, Milan, with the exhibition of my paintings responding to the same subject. Born in 1967 in  Stamberg, Germany, Katja is an artist who graduated at Brera Academy in Milano, the town where she lives and works.

 A film documenting the metamorphosis of my paintings from light to dark, has been set to diverse readings and music of friends that I have met throughout my wandering life: Ulrich Baer professor of German and Comparative Literature and Vice Provost for Faculty, Arts, Humanities at the New York University. Alessandra Celletti, extraordinary pianist and expert of Eric Satie; Kiki Fisch, a New York artist from France, a member of the Abingdon Square Painters; Max Gottesman, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Columbia University Medical Center; Valentina Vandelli, Emanuele Marchesini and Andrea Guerrer, young Italian actors; Benito Odorici, my family's gardener in Bologna, Italy; the Reverend Clint Padgitt of the Lutheran Church of New York; Alessandro Spoldi, pianist, composer and member of the reggae band VIA SMOKE; Salieu Suso, astonishing Kora player from the Gambia…. and more to come.

Special regards to Sergio Buono for photography and to Mariel Reid for texts and translations.